Corporate Information

Rwdy Inc.’s empowered team of safety conscious professionals consistently meet and exceed our client’s expectations through applications of the most tailored and specific solutions available in the industry.


Committing to outstanding health and safety performance is not only the right thing to do – it is critical to our future.

  • Safeguarding the health and safety of people on the well site our highest priority.
  • Our goal is to have an injury-free workplace with zero accidents and zero incidence of non-compliance (INC).
Performance Excellence

RWDY has established a reputation for outstanding job performance.

  • We set realistic targets, seek to ensure each consultant actively contributes to the overall performance of the well execution, and support team members in achieving satisfactory results.
  • We earn customer loyalty through operating responsibly and supplying superior personnel and services.
  • We seek realistic performance goals on project management by providing efficient, effective, and technical based well execution.

We believe those working in well engineering and execution should have the opportunity to give input on areas that impact them.

  • Consultants: We strive to employ consultants that have a proven work history, have a keen interest in promoting efficiency, and conduct operations in a safe work environment.
  • Project Teams: We believe in promoting various disciplines and integrating differing ideas through team collaboration. Our experience has shown that competent group interaction is essential to achieving exceptional performance results.

To achieve long-term success, we accept responsibility for working within our client’s culture and operating systems

  • This calls on us to responsibly develop and train our personnel to meet current customer needs.
  • This includes acting responsibly toward others, including our co-workers, employees, customers and business partners, as well as the environment.
  • It also includes taking individual responsibility for the decisions we make, the manner in which we do our jobs, and the results of the work efforts.

Competitive Strengths

Rwdy Inc. has developed the following core strengths:

A productive, well managed, experienced and long serving workforce who are truly world-class in their respective fields.

A strong brand name within our chosen sectors and disciplines.

A reputation for responsiveness to clients’ needs.

The ability to service a wide range of clients and disciplines nationally and internationally, balanced with the ability to respond quickly to unique requirements in niche areas